G'day folks,
I realise this is an EOL product, however given how many other folks i've found online having issues, I was hoping to create a thread that others could turn to online to troubleshoot their Pegasus products and perhaps recover their data.
My issue was sudden - I turned my Mac on today and it simply wouldn't mount, giving me the dire "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" message. At this point i've tried the following:
- resetting my main workstation iMac and the Pegasus (same result)
- trying different Thunderbolt ports on both my iMac & Pegasus (same result)
- trying a different Mac (same OS version and same result)
- upgrading the firmware (same result)
It's worth nothing that my Promise Utility works perfectly, reports perfect health since April, and I can see/access all information using Promise Utility about my R4 unit. I get a blue light on the front, shows up in system info, no warnings on Promise Utility - it just simply won't mount on what feels like an out of the blue situation.
I've opened up a case with Promise and spoke to their team briefly (and shout-out to their awesome support already) but thought since the product is no longer supported that perhaps the community might be a better place to turn to.
At present, I have two macs running Mac OS Mojave (10.14.5)