I have EVERYTHING backed up on my Peg2 R4 and got both my macbook pros stolen:( I got a new Macbook Pro but the apple Thunderbolt 2-3 and LANBO adapters don't boot. I'm interested in getting a Pegasus 3 anyway but how can I get the data from my 2? I understand they can't be daisy chained. Is it possible to just switch out the hard drives with the new Pegasus 3. I'm guessing not...
Pegasus2 R4 not recognized by Thunderbolt 3 new Macbook Pro with T3 adapters.
- Last Post 06 May 2018
Hi Carl,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. Could you please make sure to use the compatible adapter for the unit to be recogonized. Kindly go to the link below to download the compatibility list.
The Compatible thunderbolt 2 to thunderbold 3 adapters are present only on our Pegasus 3 compatiblity list. Please make sure to use the compatible hardware for best results.
Yes, you can daisy chain your Pegasus2 unit to your Pegasus3 unit and connect Pegasus3 to your laptop to get the performance.
Kindly make sure to install the compatible drives before connecting your Pegasus3 unit.
Go to the link below to donwload the MAC drivers for Pegasus 2 units.
Pradeep C
Thanks for the prompt response. I checked the comparability chart and it seems the only adapter that goes from thunderbolt 2 to type C is the Apple adapter and it doesn’t work. Are there other options that I’m missing?
Hi Carl,
Kindly check the attached image. The first Apple adapter listed on the compatibility list under the adapter section is compatible. We have not recevied any compatibility issues with that adapter.
Pradeep C
Hmmm... that’s the one I have so I should be able to connect my P2 to my new MacBook Pro with type C port, right? It looks like it tries to boot but shuts off. Any suggestions?
Hi Carl,
When the unit shuts down with in 20 to 30 seconds after powering it up, which means that there is no proper communication happening between the computer and the Pegasus2 unit. Could you please make sure the cables are properly connected at both the ends. Kindly try to mark and remove all the drives from the unit and boot the unit without the drives to see how it works.
Pradeep C
It worked this time:) I had another external hard drive attached and removed it. Wonder if that was the issues? Thank you!
The issue has been resolved after reseated the thunderbolt cable. It was a Thunderbolt connection issue from your Mac to Pegasus unit.