I bought the Apollo Cloud Duo and set it up about 10 days ago without a problem.
Installing the Apollo Utility on my laptop stopped the VPN working, so I can no longer get email on my laptop. On other computers here, the VPN and email still work fine.
After transferring about 2tb of files to it via the Apollo Utility, I realised that there were errors in the transfer.
I decided to have another go and trashed the enclosing folder and emptied the trash. However the utility on my computer and phone and iPad all showed that the Apollo disc was 50% even though the trash was empty. That's the second fault.
I reset the Apollo. This worked OK but re-"claiming" the device was a problem. I had to restart the Apollo and the laptop several times before the serial number of the Apollo could be "claimed".
I then transferred all my files (the original 2TB) to a USB 3 hard drive which took about 5 hours. Normally, copying takes longer than reading so I expected that the transfer onto the Apollo would not take any longer than this.
I started the USB transfer on Friday evening. I was disappointed to see that the Apollo had named the incoming data after the name of the USB hard drive, not after the enclosing folder on the hard drive. Anyway…
The transfer toiled away with its hard drive rattling away all over the weekend. I don't think I have seen such a slow transfer ever, even if it was USB 1. After 24 hours, only 5% was transferred!
Finally, on Monday morning, I checked the status of the transfer to find a message "transfer failed from USB device." with only 30% of the transfer completed.
I dragged the USB transfer folder to the trash. The folder disappeared from the files view but the Trash view says that the trash is empty. And 16 of the disc space on the Apollo is still taken up. So now I can't empty the trash and have only on optiojn… Reset the Apollo and start again. Misery!
I'm disappointed with the Apollo so far. While it is generally easy to connect, the limited interface is awful. For example, my 2TB is mainly photographs but I don't really want all 2TBs worth showing up in Photographs. There's no way to prevent this happening.
If I can even get my files onto the Apollo, I guess it will, in a limited way, do what I want but it could be so much more, with only a little more work from Promise.
I have looked in the manual for ways to get an error log. If search in the pdf manual for anything, the headings are all "returning the product…" Ominous. And nothing about logs.