Vess R2600tiD iSCSI target connection limit

  • Last Post 12 October 2016
  • Topic Is Solved
Dan Delaney posted this 29 September 2016

I am trying to understand this - tech support just confused me. Maybe someone here can shed some light.

Under iSCSI management, in Target, i show only one ID (0, default, I never added this...). When I expand it, itshows that there are a "Max Connections" of 4.  In my environment, I need to have 6 or more concurrent connections.

Under IO Network Manangement, I have two portals set up (an LACP trunk or two ports, one trunk per controller card).

Does this connection limit on the target stop at 4 reguardless of how many portals set up, or is this per portal?

My environment will be 3x(and more down the road) XenServers with dual networks for multipath talking to each trunked portal. On another unit, this shows up as 6 total connections.


Any thoughts or input would be apreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Dan Delaney posted this 12 October 2016

Just a quick update, I got the adapters in place and working with both controllers.  And I am seeing all 6 iSCSI connections without issues!  Thank you for the help!

Dan Delaney posted this 29 September 2016

Sweet, thank you so much!  I will see if I can pull the other controller out to do testing shortly, until at least, I get the adapters.

R P posted this 29 September 2016

Hi Dan,

OK, I have some information on what Maxconnections means, along with some limit.


MaxConnections:4 means that maximum 4 iSCSI connections in 1 iSCSI sessions.

If you uses a Windows iSCSI initiator, you can add iSCSI connections in iSCSI session.

This feature is MCS.


The maximum iSCSI sessions per controller are 128.

The maximum iSCSI sessions per LUN are 256




R P posted this 29 September 2016

Hi Dan,

-This sounds like awesome news. TBH I would have checked this myself, but with a mismap of not understanding

- I needed the SAS to SATA adatpers, I currently have no storage to make a test scenario.

You can run single controller until you get the adapters. Shutdown the Vess, then power it off. Unseat controller 2 (looking from the back it's the controller on the right). Don't remove it just pull it out a few inches or cooling will be affected. Then power the Vess on.

You should be able to see all the drives, create LUNs and portals and do initial setup.

When the adapters come in, power off the Vess, install both the adapters and controller 2, and boot.



Dan Delaney posted this 29 September 2016

 maximum you can get 4 concurrent connection both the  controllers

Does this mean 4 concurrent connections PER controller, or 4 concurrent connections for BOTH controllers?

If I disable the trunks and set up each port to be its own IP (making 4 1G portals), would that change anything?


If you can connect 7 you can connect 6. I'm sure I could add more, but I ran out of initiators to test with.

This sounds like awesome news. TBH I would have checked this myself, but with a mismap of not understanding I needed the SAS to SATA adatpers, I currently have no storage to make a test scenario.


Be advised that unless you have a clustered filesystem like VMfs or a Windows cluster that will take care of writes to the LUN, multiple connections to the same LUN is not recommended, make sure your configuration is supported.

I am using the filesystem XenServer supports, which should be equivilant to VMFS for VMWare. It was working on another system before we found out that system had some major flaws. (HA mode randomly disabled all services instead of failing over....)



R P posted this 29 September 2016

Hi Dan,

Don't worry, this setting does not mean what it looks like it means.

I have setup an iSCSI LUN and started 9 sessions, 7 to the same LUN.

administrator@cli> iscsi -a list -t session
Id    CtrlIdTargetAlias    InitiatorAlias PortalId PortalIP         Status
1     1     alias          vmware-1       0         Active
2     1     alias          vmware-1       1         Active
3     1     alias                         0         Active
4     1     alias                         0         Active
5     1     alias                         0         Active
6     1     alias                         0         Active
7     1     alias                         0         Active
8     1     alias                         0         Active
9     1     alias                         0         Active


If you can connect 7 you can connect 6. I'm sure I could add more, but I ran out of initiators to test with.

Be advised that unless you have a clustered filesystem like VMfs or a Windows cluster that will take care of writes to the LUN, multiple connections to the same LUN is not recommended, make sure your configuration is supported.

I will see if I can find out what this 'Max Connections' really means.



Hariprasad Velmurugan posted this 29 September 2016

Hi Dan

Iscsi traget ID will be default one in the unit  Also in the VessR2000 series unit you can only  trunk  two ports  each controller ( port1 master , port2 slave, Port 3 master, port4 slave)  maximum you can get 4 concurrent connection both the  controllers

Thank you
