sanlink2 10gb base-t

  • Last Post 17 April 2018
fernando deba posted this 13 April 2018

have a macpro with high sierra, sanlink2 drivers are installed, but the sanlink2 device is not creating the ethernet interfaces in the network control panel, in the sanlink utility don not appear, in the system report appers as conected

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Raghuraman Kannan posted this 14 April 2018

Hi Fernando,

Please let us know if this the first time setup or has it worked before . Also let us know if there was any changes made recently.

Can you also check the light status on the Ethernet port when the cable is connected to the SANLINK 2 ?

Thanks !

fernando deba posted this 14 April 2018

thanks for te reply... is a new instalation was an upgrade from a macmini to a mac pro, sanlink adaptor was working flawless in a mac mini with sierra, buy the mac pro has high sierra, and even installing the 1.8.2 driver, no sanlink is detected.



Raghuraman Kannan posted this 17 April 2018

Hi Fernando,

Looks like you need to open up a support ticket @ .

Please attach the MAC system report, Screenshots of the SANLINK 2 utility and the pictures of the SANLINK with the cables connected. 

We will review it and advise you on the next step.

Thanks ! 
