The power light pulses on / off ,is white in color ,is this normal?I have the apollo cloud 2 duo 8tb
Power light pulses
- Last Post 16 May 2018
Hi William,
Page 5 of the Product Manual:
White light indicates the unit has been claimed. The white light will flash when there is activity from a user, or when it is finishing the registration process with the public server.
What user manual?
The cloud white light pulses with no users logged in ,been pulsing sense it was set up .4 days now , just wondering if this is normal?
Hi William,
The "breath white" indicates Apollo is booted and service ready, but no client is accessing. The "quick blinking white" indicates Aollo is booted and service ready, and client is accessing. The description you provided presents a normal Apollo status.
Thanks for clearing this up
What user manual?