mac min M4 pro Sequioa 15.1.1
turn the P32 on
generic icon mounts on desktop
double click to open
window has no content
volume auto ejects
message - disk not ejected properly
tried restarting mac...
mac min M4 pro Sequioa 15.1.1
turn the P32 on
generic icon mounts on desktop
double click to open
window has no content
volume auto ejects
message - disk not ejected properly
tried restarting mac...
Hi Chris,
there is no longer a Promise listing under System Information > Extensions
Try this command from a terminal. The system report does not currently show anything about DEXT drivers.
systemextensionsctl list | grep promise
Connection now resolved, it was the TB cable (yet again)
there is no longer a Promise listing under System Information > Extensions
to identify a specific version
Had installed DEXT driver, which looking at Get Info on the Applications/Pegasus DEXT Driver is 21.1.0
Connection now resolved, it was the TB cable (yet again)
Hi Chris,
In that case there are two likely root causes.
If you have another Thunderbolt cable this is easy to check.
Question: Which driver are you using?
Hi RP,
it's a Pegasus32 R8 , mac mini M4 pro Sequoia 15.1.1
The P32 will not stay mounted for long enough to do anything
Hi Chris,
There is not enough information here. But here are a few suggestions.
Run the macOS Disk Utility repair function on the volume.
If the Pegasus1 firmware is old, there may be issues. Please update the firmware to the latest version.