Greetings all (and Thanks in advance for any and all feedback).
I've currently got a Pegasus2 R2+ with 2 3TB Hard Drives in a RAID1 (mirrored 3TB) configuration. I'm considering a drive upgrade, but wanted to gather some info before I went forward with it. Here's my questions....
1.) Is it possible to upgrade 1 drive at a time (i.e. remove the secondary drive, install a new drive and wait for it to populate then install second drive and wait to populate)?
2.) Is it possible to migrate to a new RAID configuration (i.e. convert from RAID1 to RAID0) without losing all of the data? My assumption is that the mirrored drive would lose all data as the migration progressed, but the original drive would stay whole.
My apologies if these are basic questions. I'm relatively new to the RAID game. ;)