No connection to SANLink2 with new iMac Pro and Thunderbolt adapter

  • Last Post 27 July 2020
Brian Pitre posted this 06 March 2018

I have installed the SANLink2 10BaseT on a new iMac Pro using the Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter.

The SANLink has worked for years on my last computer but is not working on this one. I have updated the drivers to the most recent drivers available and still no connection.

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R P posted this 27 July 2020

Since this topic still seems alive, it is possible to manually load the driver (kext, aka kernel extention).

Mac-mini:~ promise$ kextstat | grep SAN
Mac-mini:~ promise$ cd /Library/Extensions/
Mac-mini:Extensions promise$ ls -d SAN*
Mac-mini:Extensions promise$ sudo kextload SANLink-FC.kext/
Mac-mini:Extensions promise$ kextstat | grep SAN
  171    0 0xffffff7f84689000 0x8f000    0x8f000    com.promise.SANLink-FC (2.0.9) A7C7DC73-52FD-3D15-A566-3EA56E3EA535 <72 13 6 5>
Mac-mini:Extensions promise$

The first command shows if the SanLink driver is loaded. If it returns nothing, then the driver did not load.

Tthe 'kextload' command loads the kernel extention, we need to cd to the /Library/Extentions folder and use the full name of the driver bundle. Sudo is required to load a driver.

Curiously this morning I loaded the SANLink3 driver and it would not start. The settings in the security tab were correct, so I manually loaded the driver as above.


James Adkins posted this 21 March 2018

Sadly have tried that with no success. Even tried older installs in case it was the latest one causing issues but still no link to the device. 

Thanks for the help


Brian Pitre posted this 20 March 2018

Hey James,


What finally worked for me was running the install again and then checking the security area in system prefs after the install was complete. I was able to confirm the security of the installed software, and everything worked fine after that.

James Adkins posted this 20 March 2018

I have a similar problem to the above thread; this time using a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) again with the thunderbolt adaptor. My device is available on the thunderbolt Bus and there is a 1 in the kext database. However, both the app and OSX cannot access the network interface.  Looking in system information extensions page shows the SanLink2 Device but not as loaded. I have tried telling the terminal to load the SanLink2; it does load but still no network cards visible in OSX or in the Sanlink utility. 


Any help greatly appreciated. 


Output from Terminal - "/KextPolicy '.dump kext_policy' | grep promise

INSERT INTO kext_policy VALUES('268CCUR4WN','com.promise.SANLink-FC',1,'Promise Technology Mobile Apps',1);"

Attached Files

P B posted this 06 March 2018

I have installed the SANLink2 10BaseT on a new iMac Pro using the Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter.

The SANLink has worked for years on my last computer but is not working on this one. I have updated the drivers to the most recent drivers available and still no connection.

1. Is the device visible within the Thunderbolt Bus?

Post the output of the command below:

system_profiler SPThunderboltDataType | grep -i sanlink

2. If the device is available within the Thunderbolt bus, have you checked if the kernel extension loaded?
It could be possible that it was blocked due to User Approved Kernel Extension Loading. (Introduced in macOS 10.13) 

You can refer more about User Approved Kernel Extension Loading here:

3. Please post the output of this command:

sqlite3 /private/var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy '.dump kext_policy' | grep promise

4. If there is a 0 in the kext database, then the kernel is not allowing the driver to load:

INSERT INTO kext_policy VALUES('268CCUR4WN','com.promise.driver.SANLink2-10GE',0,'Promise Technology Mobile Apps',8);

This was discussed in a similar post (Discusses User Approved Kernel Extension Loading):

Devendra Kumar posted this 06 March 2018

Hi Brian,

We have not tested such configuration using thunderbolt adapter with Sanlink2. Please check the compatibility list if thunderbolt adapter is listed in the list.

