iPhone Camera Roll

  • Last Post 20 June 2017
Andrew Chivers posted this 20 June 2017

Looking everywhere and cannot find an answer.  If I delete my camera roll from my iPhone will it delete from my Apollo?

I have tried to copy the camera roll to another folder, but it only copies small groups of images and it would take me forever.....any ideas on this also would be most grateful.

Thanks in Advance

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Devendra Kumar posted this 20 June 2017

Hi Andrew,

Did the Camera Roll turned on when you have deleted the files from Iphone. Please make sure it should turned off if you want to delete the files.

To Check the settings :In the Apollo utility - Left hand side top corner - Setting symbol - Click on it there you will find Camera Rolls.




Andrew Chivers posted this 20 June 2017


Thanks very much for the information. So at any point then I switch it back on will it only then sync new images?
