Dead Physical Drive Really Dead For Good?

  • Last Post 19 January 2018
  • Topic Is Solved
Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 07 March 2017

The Promise Utility is showing a dead physical drive in PdId #4 in my Pegasus R4 array. 

The dead disk is only about a year old, so I wanted to try something... 

I am on a Macintosh.

I took the "dead" drive out of the R4 case and initialized it after I put it in an external drive enclosure on my Mac. 

It initialized with no problem. I checked it with some disk utilities, and the disk appears to be fine. 

So I put the reformatted physical drive back into the R4 unit. 

  • It still appears as a dead drive in the Promise Utility. (See below image.)
  • I cannot change its config in the Promise Utility setting because I cannot click on either of the buttons that say, "Passthru" or "Unconfigured." (See below image.)
  • Using Terminal, I cannot clear a stale config, I cannot assign a "config=unconfig," I cannot take the drive offline because a message tells me that "it is already offline," and I cannot clear a PFA condition because a message tells me that the drive is "in use." (See below image.)

This all seems very weird to me.

Nothing I do can help the Promise Utility see the drive so that I can do a manual rebuild of the logical array. 

I do not want to force the drive online, because the last time I did that, it caused corrupted file fragments in the "Lost+Found" folder. 

Can somebody please give me some comments or suggestions? 

Thank you! 

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Raghuraman Kannan posted this 07 March 2017

Hi Jeffrey,

The drive you are using in slot 4 is still having the array information (Array 0 Seq no 3) . That is the reason you are not able change the configuration status to Passthru or Unconfigured.

If you sure that it is not having errors , you can either rebuild that drive or format that using any 3rd party softwares to use it again.

If that drive has errors, it is recommended to replace it as formatting it would be an temporary fix.

Thanks .

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 07 March 2017

Hi, Raghuraman.

But I already *DID* reformat that physical drive.

I took it out of the Pegasus R4 case, put it into an external USB drive enclosure, reformatted it from my Mac, took it out of the external drive enclosure and put it back into the Pegasus R4 case. 

Note: I was too nervous to try reformatting that physical drive with the Promise Utility while it was still inside of the R4 case. I didn't want to accidentally do anything that might affect the entire logical array! 

So that physical drive *should* be ready to accept an "Unconfigured" assignment. But it won't. 

1.) What are the proper format parameters for the individual physical drives? I used "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" format with "GUID Partition Table" partition scheme when I reformatted that drive. Is that correct? 

2.) Can I start a manual rebuild proess of the logical array while I cannot assign an "Unconfigued" status to that physical drive at PdId #4? 

Thank you! 


Richard Oettinger posted this 07 March 2017


the disks of all RAID arrays have a reserved area that contains the config data, and your 'format' is not erasing that.

You have two choices:

1. Power off the Pegasus, remove the other disks, leaving only that disk, then use the Utility to run an "Initialization" on the drive. [easiest]

2. Put the drive in the USB enclosure and erase the drive with 'dd':

~ Richard

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 07 March 2017

Hi, Richard.

When I removed the three good drives and powered-up the R4, I was given a warning message (which does not surprise me). 

The three good drives have been removed (and I put a big sticker on each one of them on which I wrote their drive number), and are safe. 

The fourth (questionable) drive is the only one still left in the R4 unit. 

Should I "Accept" the warning or "Do Not Accept" the warning? 

Thank you! 



Richard Oettinger posted this 07 March 2017

If that is the disk you 'formatted' externally, it verifies the point I made about the "RAID Array" being detected - the config data is still in the reserved space.

Accept the array and then delete it; this should clear the array data and return the drive to the 'unconfigured' state.

~ Richard


Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 07 March 2017

Your explanation makes sense. 

1.) Is this where you mean to delete the array (from the internal configuration)? 

The actual drives are OK (three of them); they have been removed from the R4 unit, and now only the one questionable drive remains in the unit. 

2.) What will happen to the array once I put the other three drives back into the R4 unit? 

Thanks again! 


Richard Oettinger posted this 07 March 2017

Yes, delete the Disk Array and it will remove the array data, making it unconfigured.

turn off the unit, insert the other three drives, power on the unit, and your degraded array will be back / with a fourth unconfigured drive to rebuild with.


Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

OK, I followed your instructions, and powered-down. 

Then I re-installed the three good drives back into the R4 unit, with the fourth questionable drive also still in the R4 unit. 

After I powered-up and launched the Promise Utility, I was presented with another of the same message as before: 

This time which option should I choose? "Accept" or "Do Not Accept"? 


Richard Oettinger posted this 08 March 2017

You are strarting the unit with an incomplete array, so you get that warning - remember that your array is degraded..?

accept it and proceed...

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

OK, I wasn't too worried... Just needed to make sure which one to click.  :) 

Here's the overall status after I clicked "Accept": 

What should I do next? 

Richard Oettinger posted this 08 March 2017

The array is degraded but the LD is offline - where is disk 3?

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

Yikes! I did not notice that disk 3 was missing. Glad you noticed. 

I saw three drives and I assumed that the PdId #4 was the one that was missing.  :( 

In the physical case, drive #3 only shows only one blue light, while the other three drives show two blue lights (even drive #4, which was the questionable one in the first place). 

Richard Oettinger posted this 08 March 2017

You need to get drive 3 - Array 0 No 2 - back online. 

Power off and carefully re-seat the disks...

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017


Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

Well, now disk 3 shows a red light after I power on.  :( 

One problem after another... 

Anything else can be done at this point?

Thanks again. 

Richard Oettinger posted this 08 March 2017

You may want to use to get further support

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

FYI: This is a drive with secondary data, not mission-critical data. 

It mostly contains video render files, which can be re-rendered. 

But I would like to keep trying if possible. 

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

Ya, I thought that might have to be the next step, which I understand could be chargable. 

I appreciate the extra effort you have given here in this public space.  :) 

Richard Oettinger posted this 08 March 2017

The LED is red - what does the Utility show its status as?

Jeffrey Cederberg posted this 08 March 2017

Here is the latest status: 

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