Convert 1840i to 1840f

  • Last Post 06 June 2018
Steffan Cline posted this 01 June 2018

I did call support to check on this and am waiting on feedback but figured I'd try here too to see if anyone else has done this or knows off the top of their head if it would work.

It *appears* that you can simply replace the controller in an 1840i with the controller from an 1840f and it would work.

Has anyone tried this?

Google was no help, sadly. I didn't even find any luck with tracking down a used controller. I found that odd. Perhaps I need the correct part number? Most I've seen all start with VRxxxxxxx but one doc from Promise says its supposed ot be F29R14F20000000. That does not match up. It only gets 3 hits in Google. Anyone know the correct part number?


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R P posted this 01 June 2018

Hi Steffan,

The Vess 1840 Chassis will work with either type of controller, so if you have an 1840f controller you can indeed just swap the controller and run fibre channel.

Any LUNs existing on the disks will be read by the new controller. The Vess 1840f supports up to 8Gbs SFPs.

The Vess 1000 series is long EOL and you will have to get your 1840f controllers from EBay or elsewhere.

Please check the compatibility guide for an idea of what has been tested with this model.

Steffan Cline posted this 01 June 2018

That's great news! Thanks.

As far as finding the right controller goes, as i said I've had no luck.

Anyone know the correct product number to search for an 1840f controller? The one I tried doesn't come up at all anywhere.

How about the appropriate search terms? Searcing for "1840f controller" turns up a bunch of hits for the JBOD controller or SFPs but literally zero for the FC controller.


Steffan Cline posted this 06 June 2018

Still no luck. Can't find the part numbers anywhere. Surprising. FC seems so much cheaper than iSCSI. It surprises me that it's surpassing in sales. $20 for 8gb FC cards. Cheap. 10gb rj45 connectors - $300.

This is what's weird. On the iSCSI model, I found the part number VJCU3U16 for the controller but the official doc from Promise says F29V17420000004. What is the correct model for the 1840f? 

Anyone have an1840f contoller for sale? 
