I don't know the IP address of the VessRAID’s Management Port. I was trying to login by serial port, but after I press <ENTER> I only got
and that's it.
Manual says:
2. Press Enter once to launch the CLI.
3. At the Login prompt, type administrator and press Enter.
4. At the Password prompt, type password and press Enter.
Wher is "Login prompt"?
I found in manual:
Logging Back Into the CLI and CLU
To log into the CLI and CLU after a manual logout:
1. At the cli> prompt, type login followed by your user name and press Enter.
2. At the Password: prompt, type your password and press Enter.
3. At the username@cli> prompt, type menu and press Enter to open the CLU
but after that (I mean cli> login administrator <ENTER>) I got "invalid command" message.