With Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.1 Security Update 2017-001 Pegasus 2 R8 won't mount

  • Last Post 07 December 2017
Deborah Finkelstein posted this 07 December 2017

I ran the Mac OS High Sierra security update 2017-001 and now my two Pegasus 2 R8s won't mount. They were working fine with 10.13.1 prior to that. I checked for the latest Pegasus driver update, I have the latest. Since they won't mount, I cannot even get to them via Promise Utility, so I can't check for any updated firmware for them. I can physically turn the units on, they power up to all blue lights, and then immediately shut themselves off. I didn't think that this was affecting it, but I found that Apple had a filesharing problem after this update, so I ran the terminal fix for that just in case it was affecting communication with the Pegasus. That did not help. There is a 2017-002 security update for High Sierra out, not sure if I should run that one to try and fix? (I don't want to mess anything up further.) Has anyone else run into this problem and figured out how to fix it?

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Richard Oettinger posted this 07 December 2017

I would first check to see if macOS let the Pegasus driver install.

Open System Preferences, select Security & Privacy, and the General tab.

The bottom section is named "Allow apps downloaded from:" -

is there a warning about a driver not loaded and an "Allow" button?

Deborah Finkelstein posted this 07 December 2017

Thanks! Yes, macOS had let it install. I received the "installed successfully" message after install. I already had the latest driver, 6.2.9, but re-installed anyway to see if that would help. I also tried switching the thunderbolt ports, this did not help either.
