Windows Driver FC Sanlink

  • Last Post 27 March 2017
jon dobson posted this 27 March 2017

Hi there,

I have a sanlink 1 FC which I've been using on a minimac as a metadata controller in OSX. However I've had to swap to windows 7 for the new metadata software and therefore used bootcamp to do so. Is there a driver for windows for sanlink? I can't find one anywhere.

I've tried searching for the answer so apologies if it's already been covered...



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Dinesh Kannusamy posted this 27 March 2017

Hi Jon,


Sanlink 1 is designed to work only with the mac and there is no driver or it is not compatible with Windows. 



jon dobson posted this 27 March 2017

What about sanlink 2 (I have one of those on a macpro - could swap easily) - I see on the site it says it's OEM for windows but I'm not sure exactly what that would mean for me.


Thanks Jon

Dinesh Kannusamy posted this 27 March 2017

Hi Jon,


If you have a SANLink2 - 10GBase-T or SANLink2 - 10G SFP+ versions then please follow the instructions form the below link to install the Drives and the utiltiy.


For any further assistance please contact promise Tech support:



