what a load of rubbish this Apollo is

  • Last Post 15 January 2018
Steve Jones posted this 07 January 2018

I can't believe how rubbish this thing is - it's going back to the Macstore this week

1. Camera Roll photos don't appear in Camera Roll folder on my iPhone (though I can see them on my wife's) even though it says they're there (I spent an hour onto support...utter rubbish.. the guy I spoke to didn't seem very knowledgeable at all and it's not fixed)

2. Easy to use instructiosn would help but the quality of help advice is abysmal. For instance setting up my wife as a user.. I set her up, texted/emailed the log in and she said she didn't know how to log in - I looked, was it with my log in details? no, no information there, so I had to resend the invitation just to see what she had received and lo and behold it says 'register'.. why is this missing off the end of the instruction video?? it took a good half hour to solve

3. Day 3 and I'm transfer a few Gb of files via the USB.. 8 hours it's been now you can see it's on 37% and I'm giving up (I've got a Tb photos on another drive so that would take about a month to transfer!!).


I'm packing it back up tomorrow and taking it back to the shop


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병원 이 posted this 12 January 2018

I have experienced it.

 Stop uploading

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업로드 하다가 스톱 ㅠㅠ

Steve Jones posted this 15 January 2018

hi - i stopped and re-tried, it took nearly a day!

Steve Jones posted this 15 January 2018

how long will a TB will take!?
