My name is Mads, and I have no prior experience in setting up a server. I have bought a second-hand VessRAID 1830i, since I have a lot of harddrives and litterally ran out of SATA connections on my motherboard. The second-hand server was very cheap compared to other normal 4-bay NAS you can buy in stores. These might be easier to setup for a first time user, but they where too expensive.
So I have this VessRAID 1830i, and I have absolutely no idea of how to connect to it. I was instructed to use iSCSI-iniatior on windows, but I have not had any succes with the IP's I was given by the guy I bought it from. I do not know myself, how I check if the IP's are correct.
Could someone maybe give some advice or point me in the right direction, that would really be helpful.
Best Regards Mads