VESS A2330

  • Last Post 26 January 2020
  • Topic Is Solved
Grant Watson posted this 18 February 2019



I need to upgrade the SSD in my A2330 server. The instructions for this advise i need the following


1 - Windows native software backup and restore
2 - VessAppImageWriter.exe
3 - Recovery Environment (RE) Image


Can someone point me in the correct direction where i can locate these file to download?











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PROMISE Technology Inc. posted this 19 February 2019

1 - Windows native software backup and restore

Here is the Microsoft page on backup and restore.

2 - VessAppImageWriter.exe

Here is the latest image.

3 - Recovery Environment (RE) Image

All the Vess A2330 install and recovery images can be found here.

Select Vess, Vess A2330 and click on the images button or scroll to the bottom of the page.

Grant Watson posted this 19 February 2019



Thanks for this..



Grant Watson posted this 23 February 2019


 I'm trying to replace my 60gb SSD with a 120GB SSD. I have been advised to use the VESS A2000 series NVR Storage Appliance Windows Recorvey Instaructions.

Following these everythign works until i get to the restore.

It comes up with an error restore error 0x80070057.

I have done a bit of research on this error not finding anything that was helpful.


Does any one have any suggestions on what i should be doing?



Grant Watson posted this 27 February 2019

Sorted, cloned the drive.

AbdulGhafar Azizi posted this 26 January 2020

  • Hi 
  • i have problem with promise A2200 sreies I can not copy the archives from Drive of storage problem with Raid was damage i y to rebulid one of HHD was damage but it was Rebuild already and i can Copy the file
