Verak E610f ( capacity upgrade )

  • Last Post 01 August 2016
Lee SG posted this 31 July 2016

Hi , I have a Vtrak E610f with 16TB hard installed , its been working for the last 8 years with no problem at all . I need to upgrade the capacity and I was wondering what king of HDD and at what capacity of hard drives I could installed to this Vtrak ? 

Does it support any 4TB , 6TB or more or not ? 

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Babatunde Akinkuolie posted this 01 August 2016

Dear Lee SG,


  Currently,VTrak E610f ONLY supports 4TB drives . Kindly peruse our VTrak E610f HDD Compatibility List for your perusal. See the link below




Lee SG posted this 01 August 2016

Thank you for the info , would you specify what kind of SATA drive I should install ? 


As per the compatibility drvie file the Vtrak E610f only supports 2000 GB  Fujitsu drive ?



Richard Oettinger posted this 01 August 2016

Hi Lee,

It all depends on which firmware version is on your E610.

If you have a "VTrak for Apple" unit with firmware version 10.6.2270 you will only be able to use a maximum drive size of 2TB.

If your unit has firmware version 3.36.02, you can use 3TB SAS drives - not SATA drives - due to a hardware limitation.

You can use any drive on the Compatability List found on the Promise site, but understand that this is an old discontinued product and we don't test new drives for it any longer. If you can not acquire any of the listed drives, try to find one that is a later relese of the same type - but Promise can not guarantee nor support that they will function correctly; you will have to try it yourself...
