Using NS2300N.... yea i know, its old, but I'm poor and retired

  • Last Post 17 November 2017
  • Topic Is Solved
henri monnier posted this 07 November 2017

I have a folder in the public folder named 'cnc' and it does have subfolders. When I try to delete the files or folders I indicates that user 'henri' must approve. When I log in smartnavi as 'henri' and go to the browser window, I still cannot perform the deletes. Cant do it under admin either.

I'm perfectly happy in reformatting and reloading if i must, but need some pointers on how to accomplish that, or how to do the delete.

I dis try to run in admistrator mode too....

Thanks, henri

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Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 08 November 2017

Hi Henri,

Please go to the link below to download the product manual and go to page number 97 to get step by step instruction on how to delete a folder.

If you still have any issues, please go to to create a support ticket with the screenshot of the error message for further assistance.


Pradeep C

R P posted this 17 November 2017

Hi Henri,

There might be damage to the filesystem. You can repair filesystem damage with the 'check File System' option.

Here I'm logged into the web interface, there is probably a similar option in SmartNAVI.

Please note that this might take a long time to run, depending on how many files you have.


henri monnier posted this 17 November 2017

Paradeep, Tried that, with no luck. Lohhed into the user 'Henri' which it claimed was the owner, no go. It would seem to me that the 'admin' should be able to do most anything, including removing files.

Richard, The way I got around it was to remove the disk (only had one) repartition and format, then reinstall and wizard....

Having difficulty not goint to two drives. Both drives pas all diagnostics run, with no errors, but 1 drive, a Seagate, will not come up to enable Raid1. Has a bunch of errors:

Nov 16 15:55:04 WARNING Task 30 disk error on disk 2 at LBA 0x073bc090f (Length 0x1) with status 51

Nov 16 15:55:04 WARNING

Task 30 disk error on disk 2 at LBA 0x073bc090e (Length 0x2) with status 51



Physically swapped drive 1 and 2, and the errors follow. Other drive is same size (1GB), but a WD drive, new....

Mat just spring for another WD drive.... Want the NAS so I can share file with CNC machine in shop. Tired of carrying thumb drives back and forth....


R P posted this 17 November 2017

Hi Henri,

My research found several references to "Task 30 disk error on disk 2", for the most part they seem to indicate that the disk has or will have problems, somewhat like SMART. Also, from the forum posts I read, this seems to be more a problem with green and sometimes blue drives in RAID1 configuration. Apparently when these drives go into deep sleep, or do a thermal recalibration or other internal maintanance operation, they may take too long to respond generating timeout errors.

But it seems you have everything working now.


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  • henri monnier
henri monnier posted this 17 November 2017


Thanks for the response. For now I'l run with the single 1GB drive (understand no backup), and later this month I'll order another of the WD 1GB drives, so that I have RAID backup. From what I read, this old NAS will only support 3GB max anyway, so for my purposes with the desktop and the shop machines, that will satisfy my needs for quite some time.

Someday, as they say, my ship will come in, and I'll spring for a new NAS.. If you have any suggestions as to which to purchase I'd appreciate your input, especially since I know nothing about them. I was looking at the QNAP TS-251 which seems to be all I would need.

Thanks again, Henri


R P posted this 17 November 2017

Hi Henri,

I do know that if you make a Raid1 from (2) 2TB drives in the NS2300, that you will have problems when the filesystem gets full enough. 1TB drives are OK in any configuration, and I have no idea about 1.5TB drives. They may work, or you may see problems down the line.

Regarding other NAS boxes, I have no experience with them, so I cannot make any recommendations.
