Time Machine BACKUP of my computer.

  • Last Post 22 November 2017
Jack Urbanczyk posted this 15 November 2017

Good Day Again to everybody. Time Machine has been setUP on my Apollo4TB and is runing and runing .. long time. Every time when turnON computer is "preparation" for backup and then backingup starts (runing very slow - for example : backing up 200 MB of 54.07 GB. After some time when computer was turnOFF and then turnON again , the same procedure is continue and backUP starts again showing new data : BUCKING UP 25 MB of 54.07 GB. How does it works?

Is the second backUP starting from begining again or is that second  backUP as continue to rich goal at 54.07 GB ? I'm improving my knowledge ony by experiencing new task because there is NO MANUAL or DESCRIPTION how to rich a goal . So far Apollo is very sophisticated software but HOW TO is little difficult to find on line. Best Reg to all GURUS. 


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Venkatachalam Settu posted this 19 November 2017


Time Machine creates incremental backups of files that can be restored at a later date, which generally don’t take much time to perform, while still maintaining a complete backup of your files.After the initial backup, Time Machine backs up only files and folders that have changed since your last backup.

May I know initial backup has been completed?

Jack Urbanczyk posted this 22 November 2017

Not yet , but is stil running or cleaning (?) - No any info what's going ON . Is buck up compleyed or NO.

Where is the best available information on subject : How this cloud work and how to use software. So fat 25%of 4 TB is used - whats going on mu buck up needs only about 300-400GB. 


Venkatachalam Settu posted this 22 November 2017

Hi Jack,

Your first backup may take a long time, depending on how many files you have. Some Mac computers make backups even when asleep. Time Machine backs up only the files that changed since the previous backup, so future backups will be faster.

While a Time Machine backup is actively backing up the Mac, you can check the progress and time remaining until completion through the preference panel item by doing the following:

Go to the ->Apple menu and choose “System Preferences” -> Click on “Time Machine” and find the time remaining under the progress bar and “Backing up: ?? GB of ??? GB” text.

Promise Apollo Cloud is a small, quiet appliance that allows you to privately and securely store your data. Manage and store your files from virtually any device; from anywhere is the world. Easily access up to 4TB without the fear of monthly recurring fees.

Using your Apollo Cloud app on your device allows you to remotely store and share any type of file. You can add members, who can then each have their own storage space on your Apollo Cloud. Each member has complete privacy and security from other members. The perfect solution for the family or a small business. The simple set-up and file management is performed from just one single app. The Apollo Cloud aplication will be downlaod from the app store on mac machine.

Jack Urbanczyk posted this 22 November 2017

VS , lot of thank's - very interesting and clear explanation. fast response , appreciate that Jack

