
  • Last Post 22 August 2017
Luc Bernard posted this 21 August 2017

Hi there,

I have an Apollo since a couple of weeks. It's this one : (2TO)
reat tool !

I already used it a lot but I have a problem. I succedeed to : upload files online thanks to the "Apollo Anywhere" function. But I also would like to upload files on the hard disk (not on my computer / not online).

So... what have I to do to upload files on the hard disk (as an intranet) ?

I hope my message was clear. Thank you very much for your help.


Venkatachalam Settu posted this 22 August 2017

Hi Luc,

To meet your objective, create a new folder in your Apollo Cloud File page, do Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop your files from local Mac to the new folder in Apollo. Once the files trasferring completed, you can delect the files on your Mac. Apollo Cloud will have your files copy and you can access them via Apollo Cloud app.

The file can be uploded through the internet connection.The recommended minimum Internet connection speed (upload AND download) for Apollo is 4Mbits/sec. 

Note: Do NOT sync this new folder with your Mac if you want to keep one copy of those files in your Apollo Cloud only.

Thank you.
