Hi I own a NS4600. I'm currently running Mac OSX Sierra and the SmartNavi application won't open. I can access files via smb, but I need to reconfigure my hard drive setup and can't without having a working version of the software. I'm not sure what the Nas IP is either? Can anyone provide assistance?
- Last Post 30 November 2017
Hi Daniel,
The SmartStor NS4600 is a legacy product and end of life.There will not be any hardware\software updates available for this unit. If SmartNavi does not run on Mac OSX 10.12, you may need to use old version of mac to reconfigure the RAID using SmartNAVI Utility.
Thank you.
Hi Daniel,
I don't have an NS4600, but I have an NS4300 and it has a web interface that you can manage it from (I don't use SmartNAVI at all). I'm petty sure the NS4600 also has a web interface. EDIT: I've located an NS4600 and verified that the management web page exists just as in the NS4300.
The NS4600 only has one network port, so the SMB IP is the same as the web interface IP, you can point your browser to it and login to the web interface. You'll need to know the admin password if you want to make any configuration changes. The default admin password is 'admin'. There are instructions in the user manual for resetting the admin password if you forgot it or do not know it.
If the IP from the SMB mount does not find the NS4300, you can use bonjour from Safari to find it. Bonjour needs to be enabled in Safari from High Sierra I've been told, but it's still there. Bonjour won't give you the IP, but you can login to the Web interface and find the IP in the network section.
If the IP from the SMB mount does not find the NS4300, you can use bonjour from Safari to find it. Bonjour needs to be enabled in Safari from High Sierra I've been told, but it's still there. Bonjour won't give you the IP, but you can login to the Web interface and find the IP in the network section.
Apparantly this is also no longer an option. Is there any way to "look" at my drive and understand/analyize its behaviour?
Hi Ritchie,
I'm positive that I had read somewhere that you had to enable bonjour in the Safari advanced options or something, but now all I can find is that it's gone.
But I did find this...
> As said above, problem "solved" with Mozilla plus the bonjour Addons
So Firefox with a bonjour addon might also do the trick. Bonjour will find the NAS box even if it has a static IP on a different network,
There are some other options for the more technically minded. Please note that once you find the IP, you can then manage from your web browser.
1) nmap is a useful utility for finding what's living on your network. Apparently there is an osx port.
2) You can create a virtual machine and find the NAS box that way. Virtualbox is available for free, Probably it would be simplest
to create a Windows virtual machine and load the Windows SmartNAVI as OSX is not easy to convert to an iso. Microsoft has a
free Windows 7 iso download tool, you can get your iso legally from Microsoft, but you'll need Windows to run the tool.
Previously you could download them from digitalriver, but that option is no longer available. I would suggest Windows 7 as
you can skip the product key during the install and you only need to run Windows long enough to find the IP. You will have
to make your virtual network adapter 'bridged' for it to see your local network. Some Linux distros seem to support bonjour
from a quick web search, but I've no experience here.
3) You can create another partition on your hard drive or external drive and install Yosemite or whatever works on that partition.
4) You can use boot camp and boot from Windows and run Windows SmartNAVI.
There may be other options, but this is all that occurs to me now.
I would suggest anyone using SmartNAVI now to find the IP of their NAS box and write it down, Perhaps it's a good idea to manage from the web browser now rather than SmartNAVI.