SanLink3 N1 direct to another SanLink3 N1

  • Last Post 15 June 2018
Colin Griffiths posted this 15 June 2018

This is a new setup in workshop, will this work?

Mac Mini to 1st R8, 1st R8 connected to 2nd R8 via SanLink3 N1 and a dedicated LAN cable.

Problem we have is the 2nd R8 just doesn't power up via the SanLink3.

The plan was that the 2nd R8 would be a RAID1 duplicate of the 1st R8.

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Venkatachalam Settu posted this 15 June 2018

You need to dailsy chian the Pegasus unit directly from the other Pegasus unit.

Colin Griffiths posted this 15 June 2018

That works perfectly on a Thunderbolt cable.   We're trying to separate the 2 R8's in to two different parts of the building using SanLink3 units to join them together.

Venkatachalam Settu posted this 15 June 2018

The Pegasus2 is a DAS(direct attached storage) unit and you can connect it to only one Host machine. If you want to use the storage on another Mac, You need to share the RAID volume over your LAN using the Macintosh inbuilt File Sharing.

Colin Griffiths posted this 15 June 2018

Thanks Venkatachalam, we ARE using the R8 as a DAS.

We have the first r8 in RAID 5 mode connected to the Mac Mini via Thunderbolt, the Mac Mini will share out the data, that works fine.

We want the 2nd R8 to be a RAID 1 mirror of the first r8, we want the 2nd R8 to be in a different part of the building, so daisychaining via Thunderbolt isn't an option, to gain the distance we are trying to use the SanLink3.  Unfortunately when using the SanLink3 the 2nd R8 won't power up.

I'm going to guess that the SanLink3 isn't sufficient to tell the 2nd R8 to power up but the Distributor told us this would work, so while I wait for them to clarify I thought I may get insight here.

Richard Oettinger posted this 15 June 2018

Hi Colin,

The N1 - and the other SANLinks - can not be used as a TB "bus extender". They are simply network ports on a PCIe connection.

The N1 is powered via the TB port on the Mac, so the second one would not be powered at all over the CAT cable.

One solution - used frequently - is to put the 2nd R8 on another Mac and use ChronoSync to mirror your data to it over the network.

Colin Griffiths posted this 15 June 2018

That's unfortunate as the distributer specified all the kit and said this was the way to do it.

I'll consider your solution, thats Richard, but feel the kit will likely get returned.

Richard Oettinger posted this 15 June 2018

Yeah, it sounds like they are not familiar with the technology.

Using the N1 10G connectivity between two Mac minis is a really fast way to do your DR, so you may still want to consider that...

