SANLink2 Not showing in SANLInk app or Prefs/Network

  • Last Post 24 October 2016
adrian thomas posted this 20 May 2016

I can see it on the Thunderbolt bus, but not via the SANlink Utility or in the Network prefpane. OS version is El Capitan 10.11.4.

  • Liked by
  • Jonathan Brooker
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Richard Oettinger posted this 20 May 2016

Hi Adrian,

Which SANLink2 model is it? SANLink2 driver version? SANLink Utility version?

~ Richard

adrian thomas posted this 20 May 2016

SANLink2 driver version 1.6.0


SANLink Utility 1.02.0000.06

SANLink2 10G SFP+


  • Liked by
  • Jonathan Brooker
Stephane Hamel posted this 30 May 2016

SANLink2 driver version 1.6.0


SANLink Utility 1.02.0000.06

SANLink2 10G SFP+

 Same problem here... I can see the device in the System Report under Thunderbolt Device Tree, but not in System Preferences > Network. I have the same SANLink2 driver. OS X version is 10.11.5.

  • Liked by
  • Jonathan Brooker
Jonathan Brooker posted this 21 October 2016

SANLink2 driver version 1.6.0


SANLink Utility 1.02.0000.06

SANLink2 10G SFP+

 Same problem here... I can see the device in the System Report under Thunderbolt Device Tree, but not in System Preferences > Network. I have the same SANLink2 driver. OS X version is 10.11.5.



Havs anyone managed to solve this problem?

I have just purchased a 2013 MacPro 6,1 (El-Capitan and Sierra) and have the exact same issue, whereby the utility is empy (not recognising the SANLINK2).  But when I connect a MacMini (El-Capitan) to the SanLink2  it recognises it immediately and can connect and upload/download data.

Richard Oettinger posted this 21 October 2016

I would suggest that you open a case with Promise Tech Support:

Then they can get more detailed information from you and perform some direct troubleshooting for this issue.

Regards ~ Richard

Jonathan Brooker posted this 24 October 2016

Hi all,

So the weekend has been kind!!!  2 days away and powering up the SANLink2 and MacPro6,1 today, and suddenly the SANLink2 is listed in the Utility.  Weird.

However, the next challenge is to get the MacPro6,1 to successfully upload files across the SANLink2 box.  Everytime I try to transfer files to the iSCSI on the other side (ie. connected via SFP+) the iSCSI kicks the MacPro out and I loose the connection.   Connecting an SFP+ native device (ie. a MacPro 5,1 with Sonnet SFP+ card) has no problems quickly transferring files to the iSCSI in the QNAP NAS.

We're getting really frustrated with this little box of tricks (??).  Seems its not up to the job.  Promoses' 1st and 2nd line support are scratching their heads - which to me, indicates a lack of testing of this box by Promise!!!

We're going to give it another 24 hours of thumbling around in the dark (having spent 2 weeks trying to get this to work), and will then return the SANLink2 SFP+ for a refund.  We shall then have to either ditch our new MacPro 6,1s and stay with MacPro5,1s and the SFP+ NAS setup, or ditch the SFP+ network althogether and upgrade to a thunderbolt and 10GBbaseT setup.  Either way, its budget we can ill afford.  Thank yo Promise for a job badly done.   

