Sanlink 2 SFP+ kext fails to load

  • Last Post 27 July 2017
Lonny Lundsten posted this 26 July 2017

Using the High Sierra beta versions 1,2,3 causes the SanLink2-10GE kext to fail when loading. I believe this is related to your code signing certificate with Apple. Can you look into getting this fixed?


Here is the error:



sudo kextutil /System/Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext 


Kext rejected due to insecure location: <OSKext 0x7fc93ad0f3f0 [0x109a6e260]> { URL = "file:///Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext/", ID = "com.promise.driver.SANLink2-10GE" }

Untrusted kexts are not allowed

Kext with invalid signature (-67030) denied: /Library/StagedExtensions/System/Library/Extensions/BF39F3A7-9484-46B6-B530-D32D49A29227.kext

Bundle (/System/Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext) failed to validate, deleting: /Library/StagedExtensions/System/Library/Extensions/BF39F3A7-9484-46B6-B530-D32D49A29227.kext

Unable to stage kext (/System/Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext) to secure location.

Kext failed to stage properly: /System/Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext:


Untrusted kexts are not allowed


Kext rejected due to invalid signature: <OSKext 0x7fc93ad487f0 [0x109a6e260]> { URL =

"file:///System/Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext/", ID = "com.promise.driver.SANLink2-10GE" }

Code Signing Failure: code signature is invalid


    Personality CFBundleIdentifier names a kext that is not loadable (run kextutil(8) on it with -nt for more information): 

        'com.promise.driver.SANLink2-10GE' -> 'file:///Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext/'


Diagnostics for /System/Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext:


    Personality CFBundleIdentifier names a kext that is not loadable (run kextutil(8) on it with -nt for more information): 


        'com.promise.driver.SANLink2-10GE' -> 'file:///Library/Extensions/SANLink2-10GE.kext/'

Karthik K posted this 27 July 2017

Hi Lonny

Thank you for choosing Promise Technology, Inc. for your storage needs.  

Please create a web support ticket in by registering the product with the  serial number so that we can assist further.



