Replacement screws for mounting a disk in a Pegasus 2 R6 driver carrier?

  • Last Post 24 April 2017
David Moor posted this 24 April 2017

Trying to remove a disk from a drive carrier I stripped a screw and subsequently lost the other 3 screws as well.  I measured the failing screw and it was:

33/128" long

1/32" screw shaft

19/128" head width - Phillips

My local Ace Hardware doesn't have a screw that short (they described it as a 6 - 32 3/16").  Fry's doesnt seem to have any screws at all.

Where can I get replacement screws?  The unit no longer has a support contract.

Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 24 April 2017

Hi David,

Could you please go to and create a support ticket and we will be able to help you further.


Pradeep C

