Promise Pegasus 2 R4 - Can't Delete/Format Logical Volume

  • Last Post 11 April 2018
Richard Glaser posted this 10 April 2018


I have a new installation of Promise Pegasus 2 R4 6TB with RAID 5 created one logic drive then synced some data and then the volume stopped mounting. I tried repairing the volume with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior, but nothing could fix it. Since I had a backup of the data, I wanted start over, but I get errors trying to delete or format the logical drive like…

fail: Failed to delete logic drive. At least one volume cannot be unmounted

I tried forcing it to unmount with the following diskutil command…

diskutil umountDisk force disk4
Forced unmount of disk4 failed: at least one volume could not be unmounted

This is the output for diskutil list

   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *6.0 TB     disk4
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk4s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS rserver                 6.0 TB     disk4s2

Any suggestions?

Yu Qin posted this 11 April 2018

Hi Richard, how about deleting logical drive one by one? Since you've confirmed all data is backed up, try:

1.power Pegasus off

2.eject PD2.3.4

3.power Pegasus on and delete RAID on PD1

If the above works please repeat for PD2.3.4. Also you can update firmware / driver by:

Promise Utility -> Check for updates and follow the prompts

If the above does not work, please log a call here:
