We use the Pegasus2 R6 on our backup server. I've been having problems with the server for a few weeks and today finally realized that the Pegasus2 is the problem. The backup server software (Archiware PresSTORE 6) was having problems and the logs showed I/O errors on the RAID.
Systems would include backup server problems when copying from the RAID to tape and frozen Finder. I did the following today:
1-Updated the Pegasus2 firmware.
2-Started the background activity Media Patrol to ensure that the drives are in good shape.
The Pegasus Utility showed it chugging away and there were a few errors of bad sectors and poor resonse to inquiry to drive, but I expected that. All drives have bad sectors. But after a while any activity involving the Pegasus2 hung. The Pegasus Utility froze. The Finder works unless I try to look into the RAID. The backups that were in progress stopped. Only the first drive shows activity when I look at the unit so I assum that it is being checked.
After a while I decided to shut down the Mac (Mac OS X 10.11.6). After 5 minutes I had to force shut it down. Instead of turning off the Pegasus is still on and the drive activity light is still flickering so I assume that the Pegasus is checking the drive itself, as opposed to the controlling the process.
I turn the Mac back on and the Pegasus2 is not visible the Mac. Pegaus Utility does not see it. I decided to shut down the Mac (worked fine this time).
Before this happened I did look through the utility and I didn't see any problems reported.
What is my next step?