Problem with members section.

  • Last Post 25 November 2017
Jack Urbanczyk posted this 15 November 2017

As a Brand new user of APOLLO 4TB experiencing problem with system. GOOD DAY to everybody. Launching Apollo4TB >Members Icon>Members. A small red dot with exclamation mark is shown on all (3) members and smal description  PENDING under each member is shown. My question to experienced user is :

1.What does mean this red dot warning ?

2.How to resolve problem and get rid of this red/exclamation mark ?

thanks for further advice. Best regards. 


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Raghuraman Kannan posted this 16 November 2017

Hi Jack,


If an owner creates a new member , an link will be generated which has to be shared with the Member to complete their setup process. 

Till the time the added member completes the setup process, the status of the Member will be in Pending State and there will be an Red Exclaimation mark in that. Once the member is logged in , the Logo will disappear.

Thanks !

Jack Urbanczyk posted this 17 November 2017


Thank's for response and clear explanation. I will try to complete advice and lern more from this exciting Apollo. Best regards Jack.



Jack Urbanczyk posted this 22 November 2017

Hi RK,

still trying to resolve this problem. Red dots still existing (?) . iPhone or ipad looks to be in "share" option.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. If You can give instruction how to deal with setings on my phone or on my ipad (step by step). Sorry for long delay with my response but other responsibilities was keeping me "out of activity". Is any clear instruction /or manual available for all problems with Apollo Cloud. 

Thanks for your time and knowledge.


Venkatachalam Settu posted this 22 November 2017

Hi Jack,

Please use the below link to download the product manul and refer page number:30

Thank you.

  • Liked by
  • Claudine Lamoureux
Jack Urbanczyk posted this 22 November 2017

thank's a lot for ling and very clear explanation. apprreciate that. Jack. Thank's VS.


Claudine Lamoureux posted this 25 November 2017

thank's a lot for ling and very clear explanation. apprreciate that. Jack. Thank's VS.


the link is inaccessible, but where are the user guides hidden? they should be accessible to everyone ...

Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 25 November 2017

Hi Claudine,

Please go to the link below to download the user guide.

To download the user guides and product manuals, please go to and click on support on top of the screen. By default, you will be under download centre, click on Apollo and choose the product and you will be able to see all the support documents.


Pradeep C
