Power Outage - Boot upon restoration

  • Last Post 16 February 2018
Cyber Wolf posted this 05 October 2017


We had a power outage who's durration exceeded the UPS battery capasity and the device lost power. I had to touch the power button to get this up and would rather it go in it's own. How can I configure the R2000 to automaticly start up when the power returns?



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Richard Oettinger posted this 05 October 2017

Hi CW,

You have to log in to the CLI and use the "ctrl -v" command to check the state of the "restore ac mode".

The values are 'alwayson' , 'alwaysoff', and 'laststate'.

To set it so that the unit will always start at power restore:

ctrl -a mod -s "restoreacmode=alwayson"

Cheers, Richard


Cyber Wolf posted this 05 October 2017

 Thanks much Richard - exatclty what I needed.



Donald J. Canty posted this 28 October 2017

I have a Pegasus R4.  Recently, One oof the drives lit up red and house power went out.  Don't know which happened first.  Now the whole unit is out - no blue or red lights.  HELP.  I am not very computer savy so need step by step guidance.  Please,  



Hariprasad Velmurugan posted this 28 October 2017


It looks like this issue needs to be analyzed with the help of subsystem report of the unit to find out the exact issue.You can call technical support at 408-228-1500 or reach out through support case at  https://support.promise.com/.




Administratorzy GWF posted this 16 February 2018

I newer use Last State or AlwaysOn when we speak about Storage devices itself. Power can be flapping and Array should be always power on UPS. But when we must power off Arrays then power on we do on one of scenario:

1) UPS with selective groups with Management on PDU - automatical or manual power on after 15minutes stable power OR 25% of UPS.
2) Manual via WakeOnLan (Activate WOL by CLI: net -a mod -f ipv4 -s "wol=enable" )
