Pegasus32 with Apple Thunderbolt 4 Pro Active Cable 1.8m

  • Last Post 4 weeks ago
  • Topic Is Solved
Ignace Roelens posted this 4 weeks ago


I saw in the knowledge base a post by Babatunde Akinkuolie about preferable not using an active Thunderbolt 3 cable on the Pegasus32 since it will reduce the speed.

What about the Apple Thunderbolt 4 Pro cable of 1.8 meter, which is also an active cable?

I also don't understand why an active 3 cable would reduce the speed to 10 Gbps?

Thanks for any help or information!

Kind regards,


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R P posted this 4 weeks ago

Hi Ignace,

There seems to be some confusion here.

Short Thunderbolt cables, 0.7m or 1m, are all passive, they work at full speed.

You can get the longer 2m cables in active or passive. The active cables will work at full speed, the passive cables work at a slower speed.

I also don't understand why an active 3 cable would reduce the speed to 10 Gbps?

You have this the wrong way around.

If you need a long cable you should probably get an active cable.

Ignace Roelens posted this 4 weeks ago

Hi R P,

Thanks for the reaction!

I got this from here at the Promise website, reading it again says to avoid by all means active cables with the Pegasus32?

Babatunde Akinkuolie posted this 29 October 2024


The Pegasus32 series supports both Thunderbolt 3 and USB protocols and comes with a passive 0.7-meter Thunderbolt 3 cable.

In contrast, the Pegasus3 series includes an active 1-meter Thunderbolt 3 cable.

While the Pegasus32 can work with an active Thunderbolt 3 cable, doing so will reduce its performance to USB 2.0 speeds. To achieve optimal Thunderbolt 3 performance, we recommend using a passive Thunderbolt 3 cable.

Ignace back here, I'm confused now ;) ...

It even states USB 2.0 speeds, which sounds terrible?


Kind regards,


R P posted this 4 weeks ago

Hi Ignace,

I will get the KB corrected. It's fine up to the last paragraph.


  • Short cables (0.7 to 1m) are always passive and run at full speed. There is no benefit from an active cable here.
  • Long cables (2m) can be active or passive. Active cables allow full TB3 speed, passive cables allow reduced speeds.
  • There are longer fibre cables available today (> 2m), but we have no experience with them.

It even states USB 2.0 speeds, which sounds terrible?

I think the original reference here is the Pegasus32, which also supports USB. Please just ignore that paragraph.

Ignace Roelens posted this 4 weeks ago

Hi R P,

Sounds all more logical now...

My fear is now gone for buying the active cable ;)...

Thanks for updating the KB and the follow up!

Kind regards,

