Pegasus2 R6 command times out on psychical disk, box unresponsive to shutdown

  • Last Post 24 March 2018
Palle Jensen posted this 23 March 2018

Since nov. 16 in 2017 I have experienced 5 instances of this, labelled "Minor". Unit gives of some irregular beeps then seems to continue, but unit is not found by promise utility and connection to my iMac 27"-5K seems lost. On rebooting iMac the (3 logical) drives are gone! Still unit shows blue led for drives. Yet the poverswitch is not blue! pressing the switch to power it down is nonresponsive. only way to get unit back is to remove powercord, wait and then replug it. Very inconvenient and not very promissing for future. I use drive for backup and timemachine. my Live data is at a separate Pegasus2 R4, which works ok.

the last 2 times this happened it was PD 2 that caused it. I am worried that the system has an internal controller error, since only removing the power will return it to 'working' condition.

Mediapatrol has not found any error on disks.

please advise if/how I can test further

kind regards

Palle Jensen

Dinesh Kannusamy posted this 24 March 2018

Hi Palle, 

It looks like this issue needs to be analyzed with the help of subsystem report to narrow down the issue. Please create a web support ticket in and attach the subsystem report or you can also contact Promise Tech Support

Steps to save the subsystem report:

- Open promise utility

- Click subsystem information icon on the top of the Promise Utility window

- Click the lock symbol on the left bottom corner of the screen to unlock the utility

- Click on save service report button to save the subsystem report. 


