Pegasus 2R4 not mounting Mac OS 10.14.5 (18F132)

  • Last Post 31 July 2019
Bruce Allen posted this 16 May 2019

As of this morning, the Pegasus 2R4 (in Raid 5) attached to a Mac Pro ceased to mount. I have rebooted both, moved the cable on both the computer and the Pegasus.  Using the Promise Utility, I cheched for and successfully installed an update. No help.  In addition, the utility indicates the Drives are full, whereas last week there was about 3.5 Tb free.  I have generated and attached a subsystem report.


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B Hud posted this 29 July 2019

I'm having the exact same problem - very frustrating! Anything fixed here?

Bruce Allen posted this 31 July 2019

In my case, The drive eventually rebuilt itself using the 3 remaining drives and then the RAID remounted.  I copied the entire contents to a new Pegasus R3 I had bought (it was going to take over 3 weeks for a replacment drive to arrive and a new R3 took days).  No files were lost.  With the new drive, I will now rebuild the R2 and retask it to another computer.
