P3R4 4TB per drive Capacity Limit

  • Last Post 30 May 2018
  • Topic Is Solved
Danor Gerald posted this 30 May 2018

I can't seem to find a place online confirming if you can put in hard drives that are larger than 4TB into the Pegasus 3 R4 to increase capacity beyond 16TB

Is this possible?


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Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 30 May 2018

Hi Danor, 

Kindly go to the link below to access our estore link to Build to Order Pegasus3 unit\ with higher size drives.


Pradeep C

Danor Gerald posted this 30 May 2018

Thanks Pradeep,


Does this mean that I can't use larger capacity hard drives in my existing Pegasus3 model? I already purchased a 4x4 unit, but I want to swap out those original drives for new ones since they are full of video footage. I was just wondering if I could swap in 5 or 6TB hard Drives instead. It says they are swappable on the site but is there a capacity limit for some reason?


Doesn't seem like there should be but I want to know before I buy the next set of drives to fill the Pegasus for another project.



Danor Gerald posted this 30 May 2018

Thanks for your quick response by the way.

Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 30 May 2018

Hi Danor, 

The maximum size drive support on a Pegasus 3 unit is 14TB. You can swap out the existing 4TB drives with higher capacity compatible drives. Kindly go to the link below to download the compatiblity list.


Pradeep C

Danor Gerald posted this 30 May 2018

Awesome! Thanks for confirming!

Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 30 May 2018

Hi Danor, 

You are more than welcome. Also, please note that when you replace the drive with higher size drive, you have to replace all the drive at once and create a new disk array and logical drive. When you replace one drive at a time to rebuild the data, the higher size drive will be read only as a 4TB drive.

Kindly go to the link below to access our KB article on how to create a new volume.


Pradeep C

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  • Danor Gerald
Danor Gerald posted this 30 May 2018

Great! Excellent Customer Service!

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  • Pradeep Chidambaranath