NS4700 not accessible

  • Last Post 01 March 2018
Franz Richter posted this 13 June 2017

Hi to all,

I received a NS4700 from a customer, who had power blackout. After that the NS4700 is not accessible any more. Power Lamp is solid red and on the LCD Panel I can only see an animated Promise advertisement.

- shell is starting with several errors, but i can login as administrator and default password.

- Firmware is

- fan control is working

- reset button is not working

- power button is not working

- USB retrieval also not working

Logged in as root and could assign an IP Adress, which is visible in my network.

Now what i am to do ist to restore date from the disks. Question ist, how. :-)

I already marked and removed the HDDs, but have no possibility to reset the NS4700.

  • Liked by
  • Efe Ogretmen
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Devendra Kumar posted this 13 June 2017

Hi Franz,

Please follow the below reset procedure and update us the status,

- Shut down the SmartStor NS4600
- Mark all the drives as per the slot number and remove them.
- Power on the SmartStor and wait until its fully booted.
- Press the reset button (pin hole located to the left of chassis screw – bottom left - will need paperclip or push pin) and hold it down for a minute, until the system status LED flashes 3 times and shuts down indicating a successful reset.
- Put the drives back in the same order and Power on the unit
- The unit would have now assigned a IP from the DHCP server or you can use SMARTNavi software to locate the device on the network
- Now open the web interface, login using the default username/password: admin/admin and follow the below steps to use the Recover function and validate the RAID volume.

-Click the Administration topic and choose the RAID & File System icon to expand the Tree.
-In the Tree, click the RAID Management icon.
-Click the Recover tab.
-On the Recover tab, click the option button beside the invalid RAID Volume.
-Click the OK button.
-The SmartStor will reboot itself to update its configuration and recognize the RAID Volume.
-Check if the volume is accessible


Franz Richter posted this 13 June 2017

Hi Devendra,

thanks a lot for your fast and kind reply!

Unfortunately the reset button is not working at all (like also the power button does not), i wrote details in my firtst post. I already read and tried the solution above some hours ago. This was not working.

When i assign an IP adress with the local console, i can ping the NS4700, but it is not available in SmartNav.

Is there also another solution?


Efe Ogretmen posted this 01 March 2018

Hello Franz, I got the same issue. Did you solve the problem?


And hope you saved your data back?
