Network and sharing

  • Last Post 14 September 2016
Alfio Di bella posted this 10 September 2016

hi! I don't understand some points.

if I'm home, Apollo is at my office and I work in my Mac, I add a file in Apollo folder, is the file added in Apollo immediately or only when I come back at the office?

can I download file in my iPhone when I'm not at the office?

in general if I'm not in the same network, can I use Apollo or not?

If yes, does it work also if I'm not at the same country?

when I share a folder with my colleague, if I'm working  at a fIke and, at the same time, he is working at the same file what happened? 

Can a person, who I invited to share a folder, add inside this folder some new files?

Can I decide for each folder the members I want to share or I must share all?

Can I share also a single file?


thanks a lot



Jerry Lin posted this 14 September 2016

Hi Alfio,

1.Apollo Cloud provides P2P connection, you can access anywhere any device.

so,you can add files to Apollo immediately via Internet access.

2.It works anywhere in the world wide.

3.We have version control if your collague overrrite your files, you can restore it.

4.The person must be your memeber in your Apollo Cloud,you can decide he has "read only"/"read write" permission.

5.You can decide it.

6.Yes, you can share a single file via public link(file size under 1GB)


Thank you so much.

You can always write email to

Jerry Lin
