Hy, I recently epanded my RAID 5 on a Pegasus 2 R4 from 4x2TB to 4x6TB. So where there were 8TB resp 6TB usable there now should be 24TB resp 18TB usable. So first I swaped ony by one and let the RAID ruild. Then I Migrated it with Promise Utility and now it appears that there are like TWO partitions. One still being 6 6TB and than one with 12 TB of free space. I attached the screenshot from my disk utility. Thanks for any advice!
Migration/Expansion not recognized by mac OS Catalina
- Last Post 30 September 2021
Hi Fabian,
Rebuilding will not increase the size of the Logical Drive when you just replace one drive , To get the maximum capacity, all the drives have to be replaced at the same time after backing up the data.
The below link should give you more details.
Thanks !
Oh, ok. This is a real bummer beacuse, how do I backup 6 TB of Data! I would need another Drive as big as this and as a private person this is getting really expensive. What is the migration tool then for? How do I proceed once I presumably made this backup to another disk?
Oh, ok. This is a real bummer beacuse, how do I backup 6 TB of Data! I would need another Drive as big as this and as a private person this is getting really expensive. What is the migration tool then for? How do I proceed once I presumably made this backup to another disk?
Hey did you find a way to solve your Problem? I have the same here...
What was your solution?
Hi Fabian,
At first I did not think it was possible to expand a partition beyond the original size of the disk. But there is a way.
Using the information in your screenshot...
First, you must repair the partitions on the disk...
sudo diskutil repairDisk disk2
Note for this you use the disk (disk2), not the partiton (disk2s2).
You will get a warning about possible data loss, proceed at your own risk. This warning is from Apple. But I have tested this and it worked for me.
Next expand the partition, for your Pegasus the command would be...
sudo diskutil resizeVolume disk2s2 R
The R directs diskutil to expand into all available space.
Test with...
diskutil list
As a final note, these commands are for HFS+, if using APFS different commands are needed.
Please see the full process at...