Media Patrol & Redunancy Check: How Often?

  • Last Post 31 December 2016
Jeff Cooper posted this 19 December 2016


We have a Pegasus2 8 drive RAID 10 (32GB of space, so 16GB storage).

Two questions:

1. What's the recommended best practice for running routine maintrenance (Media Patrol & Redunancy Check)? Weekly? Monthly?

2. How long to they generally take?

Back when I set it up I ran Media Patrol as a test and recall that from the progress it was making it would've taken days to complete; but maybe it was just how it was being reported.

If there is no firm recommendation, what are your thoughts? How often to you run them and when?



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Devendra Kumar posted this 20 December 2016

Hi Jeff,

1. What's the recommended best practice for running routine maintrenance (Media Patrol & Redunancy Check)? Weekly? Monthly?

Media Patrol is a routine maintenance procedure that checks the magnetic media on each disk drive.
Media Patrol checks are enabled by default on all disk arrays and spare drives. Media Patrol is
concerned with the media itself, not the data recorded on the media. If Media Patrol encounters a
critical error, it triggers PDM if PDM is enabled on the disk array

- Access 'Background activities' section after launching the Promise utility and start the 'Media Patrol'

Redundancy Check is a routine maintenance procedure for fault-tolerant disk arrays (those with redundancy) that ensures all the data matches exactly. Redundancy Check can also correct inconsistencies.

- Access 'Background activities' section after launching the Promise utility and start the 'Redundancy Check'

2. How long to they generally take?

Media Patrol and Redundancy check will take time based on I/O (Read & Write) in the unit. Probably it may take 1 or 2 days to complete.


Sashi Rajamahendran posted this 31 December 2016

Do these routines pause and continue if the Pegasus is shutdown?

Devendra Kumar posted this 31 December 2016

Hi Sashi,

Yes, It will pause and continue if the Pegasus is going to shutdown.



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  • Sashi Rajamahendran
Sashi Rajamahendran posted this 31 December 2016

Thanks Dev.
