lost all 4, 1tb drives on my promise Pegasus2 M4 now what?

  • Last Post 23 April 2018
Elvino Marangoni posted this 22 April 2018

i bought (4) new 1 tb Toshiba drives  the manual is not easy to read for me.

do i format? and set the raid to 5. 

it is not clear 

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Devendra Kumar posted this 23 April 2018

Hi Elvino,

Please follow the below step

- Shutdown the Pegasus unit
- Insert all the drives
- Launch the Promise utility (Unlock Pad left hand side bottom corner)

Go to the below link to download the latest version of utility.

- Go to physical drive tab and check if all the drives set as unconfgure if then click on setting tab and change it from passthru to unconfigure
- Now click wizard (next to Dashborad) and choose automatic it will automatically create an array with RAID5


Elvino Marangoni posted this 23 April 2018

thank you!

i tried to set the drives to unconfigure the tab was not highligted

so i typed it in did not work

i could not acess the wizard 

i show 4 tb i would like to have Raid 5



Elvino Marangoni posted this 23 April 2018

I had to delete the array i created before it would let me create another 

it is now in a synchronization mode?...



Richard Oettinger posted this 23 April 2018

Good, i saw that there was one Disk Array present in the Storage Overview.

Synchronization is the last step, it is building the RAID5 parity structure...

Elvino Marangoni posted this 23 April 2018

THANKS!!!! whew
