Limit of number of files in a folder on Apollo Cloud drive?

  • Last Post 21 November 2017
Geoff Culbertson posted this 21 November 2017

I am using the Apollo Cloud drive on an Apple Mac computer.

I am trying to transfer a large number of JPG files to a folder on my Apollo Cloud drive and seem to have hit a limit as to the number of files are allowed in a folder, as I cannot drag and drop the next block of files into the folder.

I also note that I can access the Apollo Cloud drive via Finder, APOLLO xxxxxx_admin_Apollo Anywhere, and, APOLLO xxxxxx_TimeMachine, but I cannot now access the contents of these two folders by double-clicking them. When I first attached the drive I could do this, what is going wrong?


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Geoff Culbertson posted this 21 November 2017

It seems that I had to reboot my iMac for all the functionality to resume! No idea why!

Devendra Kumar posted this 21 November 2017

Hi Geoff,

This could be an issue with network connectivity after reboot the network may re-established. May I know what is tghe current firmware version running in the unit.

