Is there anyway I can delete local files when stores on Apollo Cloud?

  • Last Post 14 November 2016
Joshua Hunt posted this 07 November 2016

I was wondering if there was anyway once I have synced files to this cloud, I can delete them off my Mac? Then should I wish to retrieve them I can access them from the cloud/app?



Philip Wong posted this 14 November 2016

If you want to keep a copy of your files in the Apollo Cloud, but delete them off your Mac, you should use Copy & Paste, or Drag & Drop operation instead of synchronizing the file between Apollo Cloud and Mac.

To meet your objective, create a new folder in your Apollo Cloud File page, do Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop your files from local Mac to the new folder in Apollo. Once the files trasferring completed, you can delect the files on your Mac. Apollo Cloud will have your files copy and you can access them via Apollo Cloud app. 

Note: Do NOT sync this new folder with your Mac if you want to keep one copy of those files in your Apollo Cloud only.
