Is the SANLink3 T1 Compatible with Thunderbolt 2 Macs??

  • Last Post 23 June 2017
Charlie Redmond posted this 22 June 2017

Owner of a Pegasus2 R4 connected to a Mac mini (Late 2014) via Thunderbolt 2. Ran the latest firmware / software updates.

Attempting to connect the SANLink3 T1 using the Apple Thunderbolt 2 to 3 Adapter.  Unfortunately the Mac mini (Late 2014) with Thunderbolt 2 does not detect the SANLink3 T1.

To verify the SANLink3 T1 is good, I have tested it on MacBook Pro 15-inch (2017) model and it works.

Is the SANLink3 T1 compatible with Macs with Thunderbolt 2 Ports?

The diagram in the article seems to suggest its possible

SANLink Workflow Use Cases


Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 23 June 2017

Hi Charlie,

Thunderbolt 2 ports are not compatible with SANLink3 T1. Please go to the below link to download the compatibility list.


Pradeep C

