is Apollo a personal cloud service???? NO, it is not

  • Last Post 18 December 2017
Alex Grefrath posted this 18 December 2017

well, if you log outgoing traffic inititated by the Apollo APP on your MAC you will see quickly, that you do not only access your device, but that the APP "talks" quite a lot to all kinds of IPs. In particular, 621 IP adresses all around the world within the last 10 minutes.


That does not look like a very private cloud.

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Hariprasad Velmurugan posted this 18 December 2017

Hi Alex,

Apollo device is a private cloud unit, Where data are saved in a customer's location, but it can be accessed anywhere around the world by using an Apollo app in all platforms like iPhone, iPad, Mac osx, Windows machine and Android phone. So the Apollo app is accessed through different networks to communicate with the device



Alex Grefrath posted this 18 December 2017

Hi Hari,

thanks for that explanation :-) I know that! 


Fact is, that the Apollo APP permanently communicates to hundets of IPs, when you access the APOLLO device. If you want to access your private Apollo cloud from remote, you have to open up for outgoing connections to all around the world. The question is, why would that be needed.


Richard Oettinger posted this 18 December 2017

Alex, typically a home internet user has access to the world via their ISP, and do not have a permanent IP address, and thus no DNS established to provide routing to it. This is why you cant access any home devices outside of your home network.

However, the Promise Appllo - and other devices such as those from WD and Seagate - is accessible from the outside world because the routing to and from it is handled by Promise Apolllo servers all over the globe. 
This is done at no extra charge - unlike the others who charge a monthly/yearly fee.

Alex Grefrath posted this 18 December 2017

well I have a fixed IP. But of course, the Apollo service is generic and should consider that most consumers will not have a fixed IP. I did not think about that. 

But, now I am curious. How, technically speaking, is it than possible to allocate my device's current IP (assuming I'd have a dynamic IP assignment).
