iOS 10.1.1 Live Photos

  • Last Post 22 December 2016
Anthony Martinez posted this 22 December 2016

After syncing my camera roll to Apollo I noticed that I now have many mini videos orginating from iOS Live photo feature. It appears to have created these mini video files as part of the live photos which I never seen before in Mac OS assuming they are hidden in gallery. Promblem identified in Apollo is the photo view as there is not list or shorting in images which creates a dumping ground and a massive mess of content.

Trying to sync photos and videos in a icloud "mirror attempt" is horrible, with no sense of searching for events, creating events or house keeping out side of files and folders.

Philip Wong posted this 22 December 2016

Apollo Mac app sorted the images in Photos page, Videos page as well as Camera Rolls page by Month,Year
