I can't access web manage vtrak m610i

  • Last Post 17 January 2018
diego corral posted this 17 January 2018

Hello and thanks in advance for your help.

I have two Vtrak m610i in my company. One of them is working fine, but the other one, lose the web administration.

I try to connect via telnet, but is not allowed.

How could I repair this issue?

Thanks (and sorry, I must improve my english)


R P posted this 17 January 2018

Hi Diego,

There is one other way to connect, via the serial port. The m-class shipped with a serial cable. You can use putty or teraterm with a windows system and newer computers will also need a USB-serial adapter. Connect at 115200 baud, 8N1, no flow control.

Note, the m-class is long out of production and if your controller is bad your best bet to find a replacement would probably be ebay.

