firmware upgrade Pegasus R6

  • Last Post 3 weeks ago
  • Topic Is Solved
Erwin Panen posted this 3 weeks ago


I own a couple of 2nd hand Promis Pegasus, two R6 and one R4. I've had my experiences with them, so I have learned to touch them as little as possible ;-)

However one of the R6's has a firmware of 5.04.0000.36 while the other has 5.04.0000.61.
The older firmaware version is more noisy and regularly gives a beep (not shure why or when, but may have something to do with Ventura going to sleep or snooze)

The R6 with 5.04.0000.61 is still running Catalina. And on that more recent firmware, the fans run quieter and I don't have the beeping.

Therefore I would like to update the firmware on the 5.04.0000.36 one.
Now I posted on this forum before, but it seems my posts have vanished (? at least I can't seem to find them anymore, but I still have the past mails warning me that there were answers..) I seem to remember that in previous posts I was given the advise to use the Pegasus2 files, but not sure about that.

Long story short:
Could someone please point me to what firmware I should install best?
- I have downloaded the 5.04.0000.61 firmware but Promise Utility says there is a CRC checksum error?
- on Catalina I have Promise utility v 4.04.0000.48 (c04)
- on Ventura I have Promise utility v 4.06.0000.04 (c04)

Thanks a lot for helping out!



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R P posted this 3 weeks ago

Hi Erwin,

To update the firmware on a Pegasus 1 or Pegasus 2 you'll need to use Promise Utility v4.06.0000.01.


  • Liked by
  • Erwin Panen
Erwin Panen posted this 3 weeks ago

Hi RP,

Thanks for helping out.
The install of the utility went ok (Ventura). I've done a reboot and got the macos dong twice, don't know why.

However when I try to install the firmware that I downloaded, it gives me:
Flashing failed - invalid image.

Could you point me to a solution on how to check the image?
What would be the latest firmware available from Promise?

Thanks for helping out!


R P posted this 3 weeks ago

Hi Erwin,

This KB might help.

Here's a link to the firmware file.

You should not have to reboot after installing the Promise Utility. As for 'macos dong twice', I don't understand.

  • Liked by
  • Erwin Panen
Erwin Panen posted this 3 weeks ago

Hi RP,

Thanks a ton! The terminal + cli utility did the trick!
Looking to copy out the cli promiseutil help.

cliib> ctrl -v


CtrlId: 1 Alias: SG0038052356 OperationalStatus: OK PowerOnTime: 0 minute LUNAffinity: N/A LunmappingMethod: WWN Based CacheUsagePercentage: 0% DirtyCachePercentage: 0%

Vendor: PROMISE Model: Pegasus R6 PartNo: F29DS6722000000 SerialNo: N/A HWRev: A2 WWN: 2000-0001-5556-421e CmdProtocol: SCSI-3 CBSN: M74H13631000461 MemType: DDR2 SDRAM MemSize: 512MB FlashType: Flash Memory FlashSize: 8MB NVRAMType: FRAM NVRAMSize: 32KB BootLoaderVersion: 5.04.0000.61 BootLoaderBuildDate: Dec 26, 2016 FirmwareVersion: 5.04.0000.61 FirmwareBuildDate: Dec 26, 2016 SoftwareVersion: 5.04.0000.61 SoftwareBuildDate: Dec 26, 2016 BIOSVersion: 5.04.0000.61 BIOSBuildDate: Dec 26, 2016 SingleImageVersion: 5.04.0000.61 SingleImageBuildDate: Dec 26, 2016 CtrlCPLDVersion: 0.08

DiskArrayPresent: 1 OverallRAIDStatus: OK LogDrvPresent: 1 LogDrvOnline: 1 LogDrvOffline: 0 LogDrvCritical: 0 PhyDrvPresent: 6 PhyDrvOnline: 6 PhyDrvOffline: 0 PhyDrvPFA: 0 GlobalSparePresent: 0 DedicatedSparePresent: 0 RevertibleGlobalSparePresent: 0 RevertibleDedicatedSparePresent: 0 RevertibleGlobalSpareUsed: 0 RevertibleDedicatedSpareUsed: 0

WriteThroughMode: No MaxSectorSize: 4KB PreferredCacheLineSize: 64 KB CacheLineSize: 64 KB Coercion: Enabled CoercionMethod: GBTruncate SMART: Enabled SMARTPollingInterval: 10 minutes MigrationStorage: DDF CacheFlushInterval: 3 second(s) PollInterval: 15 second(s) AdaptiveWBCache: Disabled ForcedReadAhead: Disabled

PowerSavingLevel: 1 SpindownType: N/A IdleTimeToParkRwHeads: Never IdleTimeToLowerRotationSpeed: Never IdleTimeToSpinDown: Never

SGPIOBackPlane: Default/Generic (0) SASReadyLED: Off SpinUpDelay: 0 millisecond PowerManagement: Enable

SecurityAdminPassword: N/A

PciFuncAddr: N/A PciLinkSpeed: N/A PciLinkWidth: N/A

