"Disk not ejected properly"

  • Last Post 06 January 2018
Michael Zerwell posted this 05 January 2018

Hi all.


In late 2014, I got a brandnew iMac 5k bundled with a brandnew Pegasus R6 (6 x 2 TB Toshiba). 

Everything worked flawlessly with Yosemite and El Capitán for more than two years - until I upgraded to firmware version 5.04.0000.61 some months ago. Since then the R6 shows a weird behavior. 

When the Mac goes to sleep (or is being put to sleep), so will the R6. When I wake up the Mac the R6 wakes up as well - but randomly the drive icon won't show up on the desktop and I'll get the "Disk not properly ejected" alert. Then after 30 seconds or so the volume will finally mount.

Needless to say that this is a nightmare.  

Is there a way to downgrade to an earlier firmware version that doesn't cause this behavior - or is there any other thing I could try? Recently upgraded from Mac OS X 10.11.6 to macOS 10.12.6 hoping to get the problem solved, but to no avail.

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Greetings from Germany.  


Pradeep Chidambaranath posted this 06 January 2018

Hi Michael,

Kindly install the Pegasus drivers for MAC to see how it works?


If the problem persists, please go to https://support.promise.com to create a support ticket with the latest subystem report for further investigation.

Go to the below link to download the latest version of the utility.


Follow the below step to save the subsystem report for further investigation.

- Open Promise Utility.
- Click subsystem information icon on the top of the window.
- Click the lock symbol in the left bottom corner of the screen to unlock the utility.
- Click on save service report button to save the subsystem report.


Pradeep C
