Disk array disappeared Pegasus2 R4

  • Last Post 05 April 2018
Nicklas Holm posted this 05 April 2018

So, after doing a minor system upgrade (Mac OS 10.13.4) this morning, the disk array on my Pegasus2 R4 has gone missing. 

When the Pegasus has started up, Finder says 'The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer'. Promise Utlitity can see the physical drives, but says there are no configured disk arrays in the subsystem. All the physical drives are green in Utility, but have changed configuration to PassThru.

Any ideas?

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Raghuraman Kannan posted this 05 April 2018

Hi Nicklas,

In order to find the exact problem we need to check the subsystem report.

Please register yourself as an user @ https://support.promise.com/ and register the product to open a case.

Kindly save the subsystem logs using the below steps and attach it to the case.

1) Open Promise Utility.

2) Click subsystem information icon on the top of the window.

3) Click the lock symbol on the left bottom corner of the screen to unlock the utility.

4) Click on save service report button to save the subsystem report and attach it to the case


Thanks !


Nicklas Holm posted this 05 April 2018


Thanks for quick response. I have logged a case (20180405070410S) and attached the subsystem report.

