Creating a new array with larger drives

  • Last Post 14 March 2018
Roy Burroughs posted this 13 March 2018

I have a Pegasus 2 R6 with 4 TB drives.  I’m not concerned with the contents of the current array, but want to create a new array using compatible 6 TB drives.  This sounds simple, but what are the steps to do this properly?



Raghuraman Kannan posted this 14 March 2018

Hi Roy,

You have to create the Disk Array and the Logical Drive with the new set of drives. Use the below steps for reference.

To create a disk array:

1. Click on the Disk Array Tab and click the Create Disk Array button.

2. Leave the defaults options selected.

3. In the Select Physical Drives diagram, click the drives to add them to your array. The drive carriers turn blue when you click them. 

4. Once selected , click Submit and then click on the Finish tab to complete the Process.


To create a logical drive manually : 

1. Click on the Logical Drive Tab and click the Create Logical Drive button.

2. Click the radio button of the disk array you want to use and click the Next button

3. In the available options , please choose the RAID Level you want to configure.

4. Leave the other defaults options selected.

5. Click the Add button , The new logical drive appears on the list at the right side of the Utility.

6. When you are finished, click the Submit button

7. The Setup process would take 12-14 hours . Once it is over, you can start transferring files to the unit.


Thanks !
